Saturday, July 16, 2011

Rebel with a cause

I couldn't really come up with a I used the word rebel in the following section and thought that that title might be appropriate.
I wrote this on the 5th of June the night before crossing over into Juarez with my home church to build a house with Casas por Cristo:

I don't really tend to go with the crowd. I know my stance and you won't sway me. I LOVE Juarez and no one can change that. I love the people, the community, and the faith the people have. Tonight a lady in El Paso over heard that we were going into Juarez the next day. She looked terrified. I know there is danger but there is danger everywhere. I sometimes feel like going into Juarez is my act of rebellion. Doing exactly the opposite of what society wants and says. But I know God wants me here. Even for just a week He has a purpose for me being down here. This time with my mom. I don't think I could be more proud. She is just amazing for taking this step of faith to follow God.

My thoughts since the trip? It was one of the most amazing trips :) and I got to share it with my mom! She got to see how and why I fell in love with the people down there. (and I'm pretty sure I got her hooked :D)

This trip was the first trip where I knew I would probably never lead a house again. It was weird. I mean I went on a trip in January but I thought I'd be back in the summer to lead but that didn't happen so I was kind of a tag-a-long on my home church's trip. During the first part I kept thinking I should have been down there for the summer but I know that God has other plans for me. I have been helping friends with stuff this summer and some friendships are getting stronger and I've met new friends. It's just crazy to think that I'll probably never lead again.

I was planning on going again this summer but things fell through. We were supposed to be leaving today. I have spent all but like 15 min alone today so I've been thinking a lot. It has really been laying on my heart that I wish I was down there. Makes me wish I would have tried a little harder to get down there but I can't change that.

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